What a time to launch a book! I could hardly have picked a worst. It is now two months since NSW went into Lock-down. I went into hospital the day before to a have an operation on my lung to stop having it drained of fluid every week for the last six months or more while also having treatment for my chronic Leukaemia. On the other hand, keeping alive to see it published, was a great motivation. I had to go to Sydney to have the operation, so was lucky to get in just in time before the Lock-down. Now, of course we can’t go out of our houses for anything but essential services and cases of the virus have been increasing every day until today we had 845 cases, mostly in Sydney.
The feedback on my book has been encouraging so now I am feeling better I am considering starting on the next two houses. Number seven was in Glenfield, where Dusty and Wendy Miller family spent almost three years before Dusty got a promotion to Wollongong. They were able to move back closer to their family after buying a house in Mt Warrigal where they were to spend many years and allow Wendy to put down her roots.
My daughter Patti lives only twenty minutes away, but I haven’t been able to see her in the last eight weeks. My seventeenth great grandchild is four months old and I can only see photos of him. I can’t wait for the lock-down to lift!

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