Hello dear readers, this is my first attempt at writing a blog, so stay with me until I find the right way to go about it. First of all, I hope some of you have been able to buy my book and begin to read it. If you were born before 1945 you will be reminded of how we lived at that time; of the shortages that were still being felt even though the war was over. Coupons for clothing and food did not suddenly cease but were continued for some months as the world began to recover.  We were much better off in Australia of course. Our main problems were lack of housing as our Forces were gradually discharged and came home to take up married life and find somewhere to live. Many had to live with parents for months or even years, especially if they had no savings to buy a house, for finding somewhere to rent was extremely difficult and usually meant handing over so-called ‘key’ money.

Those of you who were born when the war was a distant memory, will be interested to learn how we coped with the return of peace, and those who are just beginning or anticipating the setting up of life with a partner can compare  those times with today’s problems where housing is being priced out of many young peoples’ reach.  Having somewhere to live is a first priority for everyone.

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